Programs here at VOA are designed to educate and empower women concerning the dangers and repercussions of living with domestic violence, drugs and substances abuse. Parenting skills is an integral part of the programs as well.
VOA offers the following program activities:
Financial Literacy
Adult education programs through financial literacy and employment prep courses
Fast Track
Mental & Spiritual balance through mentorship and daily self development systems
Back to Work
Resume, Application and Mock Interview assistance program. Plus interview attire available
Referrals & resources for childcare and basic life skills training for mothers & children
our mission
VOA aims to facilitate the movement to permanent housing from a life of homelessness, or those on the verge of becoming homeless. Those who are willing and able to work towards self-sufficiency can also receive assistance by VOA providing shelter and other services. Such may include meals, laundry, transportation, child care, and counseling. We also offer case management for housing, employment, substance abuse, public benefits, and referral to outside services.
VOA embarks on a variety of programs which include:
Servicing providers to Neighborhood Networks to developer and arrange with residents of multifamily affordable housing. Under this program we organize mobile session and make PowerPoint presentations on domestic violence, safety precautions and encouragement to resident of such multi-family affordable housing residents to emphasize the impact of the following actions. Counseling, long-term self-sufficiency plans, job readiness and employment placement, instruction with the legal process and substance abuse education.